Zachariah Landrum Family in the Lake Creek Settlement
in Austin's Second
Colony, Washington Municipality, Washington County and Montgomery County, Texas
The information on this page was obtained from a pamphlet titled Lest We
Forget written by Zachariah Landrum's great great great granddaughter, Elizabeth Punchard McCulloch, in 1965
for the D.A.R. marker unveiling ceremony at the grave of Zachariah Landrum in the old Landrum-Springer Cemetery in
Montgomery County, Texas.
Zachariah Landrum received his land grant in Austin's Second Colony on April
10, 1831 in what became known as the Lake Creek Settlement. Documents produced in the Lake Creek
Settlement or referring to the Lake Creek Settlement regularly mention members of the Landrum, Springer, Worsham
and Rankin families. These families were as we will see below all closely related to the Landrum family
by marriage. The dates in the genealogy shown below have not been verified by the Texas History Page and
should only be used as a starting point by genealogists and historians. If any descendants of these families
would like to send in updates and corrections, you can e-mail them to

Map of the Zachariah Landrum League in relation to Lake Creek (L.C. on
map). This document may be found in the Texas General Land Office in Austin, Texas, at the botom of the
original English Field Notes 6-408. It is interesting to note that William M. Rankin carried the chains for
the surveyor.
Family Tree of Zachariah Landrum and wife, Lettica [Letitia] Tynes
Zachariah Landrum (1750-1833) + Lettica Tynes (1776-1848) [m. ca.
1795/96 in Georgia] =
1. Elizabeth Landrum (b. 1797; d. 1868 in Montgomery Co., Texas) +
John May Springer [m. 1825 in Marengo Co., Alabama]
2. Sarah Landrum (b. 1798) + William Rankin
3. Catherine Landrum (b. September 23, 1799) + Jeremiah
4. William Landrum (b. 1804/1805 in Tennessee) + Nancy
Gilmore (of Alabama) [m. 1825]
5. John Landrum (b. 1801) + 1st wife Martha Curry (of
+ 2nd wife Mary Wells (of Alabama)

Zachariah Landrum
Rev War
According to his headstone, Zachariah Landrum was born in 1850 and died in 1833.
Zachariah Landrum's grave is located on the Zachariah Landrum League in Montgomery County, Texas.
Zachariah Landrum received his League in Austin's Second Colony on April 10, 1831. Zachariah Landrum had
been a soldier in the American Revolution.

Wife of Revolutionary Soldier
Letitia Tynes Landrum
Marker for Letitia Tynes Landrum next to headstone of Zachariah Landrum on the
Zachariah Landrum League in Montgomery County, Texas.

From an 1861 Map of Montgomery County Showing the Zachariah Landrum League
Zachariah Landrum and his son, William Landrum received their Mexican Land Grants from
Stephen F. Austin on the same day, April 10, 1831.
Family Tree of Elizabeth Landrum and husband, John May
Elizabeth Landrum (b. 1797 - d. 1868) + John May Springer (b. 1795 - d.
1863) [m. bond December 9, 1825, Marengo Co. Alabama] =
1. Lydia Springer (b. 1826) + William Thomas
2. Zachariah Springer {Killed in Civil War}
3. "Doc" Springer {Killed in Civil War}
4. Canzada Tynes Springer (b. November 10, 1830 in Alabama - d. March 22,
1882) + Capt. F. G. Dupree
5. Ann Springer (b. 1833 - d. 1882) + W. C. (Bill)
6. John May Springer, Jr. (b. 1834 - d. 1862 in Civil War) + Katie
7. Uriah (Rye) Springer (b. 1836 - d. 1862)
8. Frank Springer (b. October 23, 1843 - d. January 29, 1911 in Plantersville,
Texas) + Emma Dean
Below are a couple of early documents that mention John May Springer in the Lake Creek
Settlement. For more documents concerning John May Springer see the Texas History Page article about the
Lake Creek Settlement.
1834 J. M. Springer Menitoned in Stephen F. Austin's Register of Families
Stephen F. Austin is recognized as the "Father of Texas." Below is another early
reference to the Lake Creek settlement found in Stephen F. Austin's Register of
Families. On January 13, 1834, at San Felipe, these details of a land transaction in the
Lake Creek settlement between Thomas Chatham and J. M. Springer were recorded as follows:
Austin's Register of Families, Book 2, Page 7

"Jan 13. Thomas Chatham from the State of Alabama. 33 years old. Ditha
his wife 23 years old. 1 Male child 3 female do. Occupation farming. Applies for 4 quarters
of league in Lake
Creek settlement, marked J. M. Springer who relinquishes
in favor of Chatham.
This document is located in Stephen F. Austin's Register of Families, Book 2, Page 7, in the Texas
General Land Office in Austin, Texas. J. M. Springer was married to Zachariah Landrum's daughter,
Elizabeth Landrum. Thomas Chatham's land grant is located close to the center of the Lake Creek Settlement
directly below the John Corner League. For more Springer family documents see "1837 Affidavit of John M.
Springer" below and History of the Lake Creek
1837 Affidavit of John M. Springer

Lake Creek
Dist April 21, 1837
Before me, came John M. Springer
and said that he does not for himself or any other person owe any
thing to the Government that the annexed discharge is original just
and true, that he has not taken embezzled nor retained any army
ammunition horse, mules or any other thing belonging to the Government,
nor has he caused the same to have been done
John M.
Sworn to and subscribed
to before me on the above
date Geo. Galbraith
Justice of the for Dist. aforesaid
I hereby appoint and authorise Charles B Stewart to have my Government
claims audited and settled for my a/c Lake Creek
Dist April 21, 1837
John M. Springer
Geo Galbraith
This document is located in the Texas State Library and Archives,
Republic Claims, Name: Springer, John, Claim #: 952, Type: AU, Reel #: 99, Frames: 585-588. This
document bears the signature of John May Springer. For more Springer family documents see the History of the Lake Creek Settlement.
Family Tree of Sarah Landrum and husband William M. Rankin
Sarah Landrum (b. 1798 in Georgia) + William M. Rankin (b. 1785) [m.
ca. 1815] =
1. Elizabeth Rankin (b. 1816 in Alabama)
2. Cynthia Rankin (b. 1820 in Alabama)
3. Thomas Rankin (b. 1824 in Alabama)
4. Robert Rankin (b. 1830 in Texas)
5. Misina Rankin (b. 1834 in Texas)
6. Willis Landrum Rankin (b. 1837 in Texas)
7. Sarah Rankin (b. 1842 in Texas)

From an 1861 Map of Montgomery County Showing the William M. Rankin League
Below are a couple of early documents that mention William M. Rankin in the Lake Creek
Settlement. For more documents concerning William M. Rankin see the Texas History Page article about the
Lake Creek Settlement.
1837 Affidavit of A. U. Springer
Frame 581

Lake Creek
Dist April 21, 1837
Before me came A. U. Springer and said that the annexed discharges are
original just and true- that he does not for himself or any other person owe anything to the Government he has
not taken embezzled or retained any army ammunitions or horses mules or any other thing belonging to the
Government nor has he caused the same to have been done by any other person excepting one 3
point Blanket at San Antonio.
U Springer
Sworn to and Subscribed
to before me Geo. Galbraith
Justice of the peace
Lake creek
I hereby authorise C B Stewart to have my accounts on Government audited for my
use Lake Creek dist April
21, 1837
A U Springer
Witness Witness
Rankin Geo.
This document is located in the Texas State Library and Archives,
Republic Claims, Name: Springer, A. U., Claim #: 953, Type: AU, Reel #: 99, Frames: 579-583. This
document bears the signature of of William M. Rankin.
1837 Deed William M. Rankin, Sr. to Daniel. L. Richardson

Republic of Texas
County of Washington
Know all men by these presents made and signed at the store of W. W. Shepperd on Lake
Creek on the day of June Eighteen Hundred and Thirty
Seven That I William Rankin Senior have sold
and do hereby in public and bonafied sale, sell transfer and convey unto...
This deed is located in Montgomery County Clerk's Office, Deed Book F, pp. 12-14, in
Conroe, Texas. For more documents concerning William M. Rankin see the Texas History Page
article about the Lake Creek
Family Tree of Catherine Landrum and husband, Jeremiah Worsham
Catherine Landrum (b. September 23, 1799) + Jeremiah
Worsham (b. 1788 in North Carolina)
1. Israel Worsham + Emily Womack
2. Letitia Worsham + J. M. Brown
3. Narcissa Worsham + R. S. Willis
4. Elizabeth Worsham + Kim Sanders
5. Joseph Worsham

Catherine Landrum's husband, Jeremiah Worsham, was elected a Justice of the Peace of
the Precinct of Lake Creek in Washington County in 1837. As a Justice of the Peace, he was also a county
commissioner and served on the Washington County Commissioners' Court until Montgomery County was
created. Below are the 1837 election returns of Washington County.
1837 Washington County Election Returns

Close-up 1837 Election Returns Justices of the Peace of Washington
County Texas

Republic of Texas
County of Washington
I do hereby certify that on collating the returns from the several
precincts composing the county of Washington for the election of County officers for said County the
following persons were found to be duly elected -- to wit-
R. Stevenson - Sheriff
T. P. Shapard - Clerk of District Court
Robt. Merritt - County Clerk
W. P. Smith - Coroner
G. Walker & J. Beauchamp, J. P. for prc. of Hazard
J. G. Swisher}
Marsh} Justices
for Precinct of Hidalgo
E. Roddy}
S. R.
Jer. Washam [Worsham]}
Lake Creek
Wm. Roberts}
" San
A. McGuffin}
J. L.
Washington 13th Feby 1837
Jno. P. Coles
Chief Justice
See the Texas State Library and Archives, Republic of Texas Election Returns
1835-1845, Box 2-9/44, 1837 - Washington Co. This is a wonderful record from the Texas State Archives.
It shows the precincts in Washington County in 1837 before Montgomery County was created. Six precincts are
listed: Hazard, Hidalgo, Washington, Lake Creek, San Jacinto and Viesca. Three of these precincts would
be located in the new County of Montgomery when it was created later in December of 1837. Jer. Washam
(Jeremiah Worsham) and Geo. (George) Galbraith were elected as Justices of Peace in the Precinct of Lake
Creek. Both of these gentlemen appear in numerous documents associated with the Lake Creek Settlement. Below is one such example.
1837 Affidavit of George Galbraith
Top of Frame 113

Lake Creek District
Washington County on the 21st day of April Eighteen Hundred and thirty seven comes George Galbraith and says
the annexed discharge is original, Just and true And he owes...
Bottom of Frame 113

...of War, or any kind of property whatever belonging to the Republic of Texas; or
caused the same to have been
George Galbraith
Sworn and Subscribed before me J Worsham J.P.
A Justice of the Peace for Lake
County of Washington Republic
of Texas
Frame 114

I hereby authorise C B Stewart to have my claims - audited for my account
Creek April 21, 1837
Geo. Galbraith
J Worsham
This document is located in the Texas State Library and Archives,
Republic Claims, Name: Galbraith, George, Claim #: 955, Type: AU, Reel #: 34, Frames: 110-113. You can
look these records up online at:
This document contains Jeremiah Worsham's signature in two different places: once on the affidavit as Justice
of the Peace for the Lake Creek District of the County of Washington in the Republic of Texas and the second
time on the assignment on the back as a witness.
Family Tree of John Landrum and wives, Martha Curry and Mary
John Landrum (1801 in Georgia) + 1st wife Martha Curry [m.
bond May 24, 1824, Marengo County, Alabama
John Landrum (1801 in Georgia) + 2nd wife Mary Wells [m.
bond January 1826, Marengo County, Alabama] =
1. Wells Landrum
2. Sarah Landrum + James Devereaux
Family Tree of William Landrum and wife, Nancy Gilmore
William Landrum (b. 1804/05 in Tenn. - d. October 15, 1846) + Nancy
Gilmore (b. 1808 in Alabama - d. 1861) [m. bond September 24, 1825, Marengo Co. Alabama] =
1. John Landrum
2. Mary (Polly) Landrum + Judge G. B. Gay
3. Cynthetia Landrum
4. Milipa 'Melissa' Landrum + I. G. Davis
5. Zacahriah Landrum II
6. Willis Landrum + Elizabeth Harris
Map of William Landrum League

Map of the William Landrum League in
relation to Lake Creek. This document may be found in the Texas General Land Office in Austin, Texas, at the
bottom of the original English Field Notes 6-429.
1837 William Landrum Mentioned in Charles B. Stewart's Day Book

Wm Landrum self Lake Creek Feby 28, 1837
To advice and prescription for wife this date $2.00
To advice and directions day after
---- $1.00
On February 28, 1837, William Landrum is mentioned in an
entry in C. B. Stewart's Day Book from 1836 to 1852. See the "Charles Bellinger Stewart
Papers", Texas State Library and Archives, Austin Texas. This entry dated February 28, 1837 refers to
medical advice and treatment provided by C. B. Stewart in Lake Creek.

From an 1861 Map of Montgomery County
To make suggestions, additions and/or corrections to this page, contact:
Kameron K. Searle
9111 Katy Fwy.
Suite 202
Houston, Texas 77024